JUST IN: PRESIDENT TRUMP’S Approval Rating In New Poll Is A Record

The American people get it…They see through the fake news and the phony politicians just trying to win a vote. They love President Trump…faults and all

The latest poll just came out and it’s a record high for our president!

President Trump’s approval rose to 45% in a WSJ/NBC News poll published today. The president’s numbers rose 1 percent above what he got in June. What’s even better is that the president received huge support from Republicans. A sky high 88% approve of the job President Trump is doing.

WE reports:

Of the four previous presidents, only George W. Bush, after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, had a higher approval rating with his own party at the same point in his presidency, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The poll was taken over a four-day period that started July 15, a day before Trump’s meeting and joint news conference with Russia President Vladimir Putin in which he questioned the conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Therefore, some of the polling days covered the aftermath of Trump’s much-criticized handling of the Putin meeting.



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