Florida went for Trump in a pretty big way. Boycott ALERT!!!! BOYCOTT PUBLIX!!!
Following a month-long series of National Enquirer covers featuring President-elect Donald Trump, the Florida-based Publix grocery chain has directed stores to block the cover of the National Enquirer with white plastic covers to shield allegedly offensive content.
The store made the move after receiving customer complaints.

Photos taken at a Central Florida Publix on December 28 show the public being protected from viewing the National Enquirer cover featuring the Trump family. The Enquirer is placed by Publix between other tabloids that do not have censor shields blocking their covers.
Trump’s name and photo was featured on the front page of the Enquirer on issues dated November 28, December 5, 12, 19, 26 in 2016 and the most recent issue dated January 2, 2017 that featured the Trump family on the cover. The publication dates are generally about a week-and-a-half ahead of the actual date the issue is released for sale.
The cover-up by Public was first reported by on December 21 after a tip by an outraged Trump supporter.
LEE COUNTY, Fla. - A Publix shopper turned to Four in Your Corner after seeing magazines with President-elect Donald Trump’s picture being covered at the grocery store.
He was shopping at the Publix on Del Prado Boulevard and Kismet Parkway in Cape Coral. “I lift it up and there was a picture of Donald Trump, the President-elect. I was like ‘Wow, really? I mean, what’s next?'” Walter Indyk said.
The white screen covers are usually for magazines with inappropriate language or pictures.”I was flabbergasted. I was amazed. I couldn’t believe it,” Indyk said. “I was like ‘This guy’s going to be the President. They have the nerve to cover his picture up at the check out aisle?'”
“I don’t understand what is trying to be protected here,” Rachael McDonnell of Cape Coral said. “Whether everybody likes it or not, Trump is the President-elect.”
Indyk called the Manager, who he said told him they got a lot of complaints about having the magazine there, and it was a corporate-wide decision.
Four in Your Corner reached out to Publix corporate office. A spokesperson said in a statement, in part:
“The National Enquirer receives the most customer complaints about front page content, so they were added to the list of magazines required to be covered, just last week.”
“Really? I don’t have any faith in that at all. I bet you once they have a National Enquirer that doesn’t have a picture of the future president on it, they’ll take those covers off,” Indyk said.
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